The camera got so hot that it shut itself down

Audio Content Reader –>[audio:101101.mp3]

I might have broken some records last night as far as going to events, parties and photographs. I went to two galleries and I went to a one two-gig shift. I took about 380 photographs. The camera got so hot that it shut itself down. Well, the battery got hot so I switched batteries. This only happened a couple of times.

The pictures are amazing. The parties – everybody gets to dress up for the mask con. I’m very familiar with this mask thing with my big mask collection and my uncle Sal were wearing mask and they used it in Indonesian, Cuban and his sex parties.

Anyway, a lot of girls got to dress up those playboy bunnies and a lot of guys got to dress up as zombies. It’s funny the guys are more protective of their women at Halloween about taking pictures. I guess because they usually can’t dress sexy and in this one night they get really dressed sexy and it pisses them off.

Anyway, I want to discuss these three different clubs. Taj, the 21 Club and there’s some other one that I fell into – it was a black Halloween party. These people are actually partying more than anybody. They all had $40-$50 cover charge. One I was invited to the other ones I talked my way in. Unfortunately, the two last days I went off Atkins and my non-drinking thing. But it’s the first and I’m going to start up again. But I’m going to get back on the blog today cause my train’s coming and talk about last night.

Photography yesterday was boring. I don’t know what’s going on. But I have to go back to 7th Avenue.

Signing off.