Judging Karaoke at Karaoke Boho Bar

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Okay, anyone who’s around New York City at 7 o’clock, Wednesday night I’ll be at 186 West 4th Street, the Karaoke Boho Bar. 186 West 4th. I’m going to be a judge there, photographer. Every once in a while, I get lucky it’s a paid gig. Anyway, it should be a lot of fun.

Yesterday, of course photographing all day like any other day but I spent a lot of time with Mr. 7th Avenue. This is a very interesting Black gentleman who’s exactly my age. As I’m there taking pictures, we put in our input about the person who just walked by. His analogies are just like mine. This guy is a black version of me and I’m a white version of him. He’s my new buddy. In fact, he’s probably going to be coming to a couple of my events with me. This guy knows everybody in the garment district. This guy is so cool dressed. It’s just great hanging out with him. Sometimes I get bored out there.

Anyway, I’m taking a couple of days off at night anyway. It’s here with the kids. I’m getting ready for the evil wicked nightlife of the Halloween parties coming up. Halloween parties are fun because I could shoot freely. There is no paranoia of someone ready to kill me, ask me why I’m taking pictures, so it’s kind of relaxing for me.

Lot of stuff to talk about but I’m getting ready to go back to work. This is probably my 16th day I think. People burn the candles at both ends, I’m burning candles at three ends right now.

Signing off.