Jackets to the rescue, what do you think you are doing?

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Good morning. It’s Monday morning. I finally got some sleep last night. Those three nights of partying really knocked the hell out of me and then of course working during the day. I’m working a seven-day workweek due to my financial status. Well, I’m surviving.

Anyway, yesterday was a cool day as far as the weather. I saw all the guys got to wear their cool leather jackets, all the girls got to wear their nice blazers or jackets with their scarves – a lot of cool fashion as far as coats and jackets. It’s funny, everybody has a favorite coat or jacket and it covers up their body like they don’t have a good body, they’re fat or something. The guys love it because they get to wear nice jacket, covers all that up. So people are happy again, they got to cover up their fat bodies yesterday. Anyway, that’s what I see not what I think, it’s what I see.

Okay, let’s talk about people getting really pissed at me about taking pictures like yesterday. Every once in a while there’s an incident. It happened yesterday. I’m taking my pictures, people walking by and there’s this guy staring at me. I always see people staring at me. Sometimes they stop and pretend they’re looking at a window but they’re looking at me, figure out what I’m doing.

This is the third time this happened. The guy approached me and goes, “What do you think you’re doing?” I said, “Oh, I’m from Portraits of New York.” He goes, “That’s not right, that’s illegal. Well, what gives you the right to do that?” And these people I think are a little mental because they’re just aggravated ’cause I’m doing something like I’m invading other people’s privacy. But I didn’t do anything to them. This is the third time it happened.

I try to be very – what’s the word? – diplomatic about it, try to explain to them it’s okay, it’s a good art project but they’re just like, “I don’t care. This is terror, this is wrong. You have no right.” It’s like an argument but I don’t argue back. But after a while I said, “Listen, just go and mind your own business. Go call the cops. Just leave me alone right now.” So that was yesterday.

It’s a cool rainy day today. I love these cloudy days: even lighting – no sun, no shadows. I should be resting from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday night, I got a lot of events on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I met a lot of nice people the last three nights of partying. Eventually I’m going to have to pick out a girlfriend.

Signing off.