I am still buzzing from the Marriott party

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Saturday night, I’m home here. I got home around 9 o’clock.  Today was, I think, the first cold day in New York. I was at my new job between 35th and 36th on 7th Avenue. Everybody had their cool coats on, their new scarves and their cool hats. I took a lot of coats, a lot of cool boots, part of new winter fashion. It kind of bores me but people in the fashion world probably appreciate it.

I want to elaborate on something I talked about two days ago. I’m taking pictures every day and every night I go out. You guys are seeing exactly what I think is interesting in New York City.

It’s like seven hours a day, three hours at night. I spoke about the cocktail party last night. I keep on forgetting what it is but it was the cocktail wine event of the century at the Marriott.

That was something I’ve never been to. I’ve never been to a big event like that – 650 people, people dressed to impress last night. I tasted whiskeys that I never knew existed, some tequilas – it was great.

Tonight, I got off the train in Cranford at about quarter to nine. I figured let me just have one beer and come home which I did. I met a young gentleman there named Harrison at this Cranford Hotel bar, 23 years old., I started talking to him. He’s so excited about New York City, the film world, photography. He’d be a great intern. I just hope he’s computer savvy enough and I hope he’s interested. Hopefully I’ll be talking to him during the week. He might be our new guy for downloading images and helping out with the blog.

Going back in the city tomorrow, talk to you guys later.