Imagine a book signing without alcohol… torture

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Tonight there are three events. One’s actually a paid event which was very rare. But it’s going to be sheer torture because it’s a book signing and I’m not drinking any alcohol. So it’ll take me about an hour to bang out these images, I got a meeting with Tony Roma. He has two kind of Halloween parties or wine event or whatever. But it going to be a night with no alcohol and no carbs.

Let’s see here, I can talk again about 7th Avenue and the people of fashion but I’m feeling kind of old. I need to switch streets I think. I think I’ve got every sports jacket and suit named brand in the last 28 straight days. I met a lot of new friends, still hanging out with Mr. 7th Avenue. We’ve got a little click of people now that show up. Donny Diamonds – that’s actually a real name – and a couple of friends of Mr. 7th Avenue, a couple of my buddies show up. They have like this click. That packs up today.

Sales in cameras have dropped and I haven’t been speaking about any but I have two cameras I’ve been using. I’m going to discuss them probably on Saturday. I know I was supposed to do it on Thursday but I’ve just been preoccupied.

Signing off.