I am ready for zero carb zero alcohol

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Good morning. About four times a year, I do this Atkins to eat zero carbs and zero alcohol. I’m definitely ready for that now. After that ultimate cocktail wine event, that was really a hell of a party. A lot of food, drinking and – excuse me, there’s a helicopter flying over.

Anyway, it’ll make me happy, my partner happy, hopefully, and I want to do this two weeks of partying with this Halloween thing with zero alcohol. I’ll just smoke a cigar and drink a double espresso, that’ll be my buzz. I always need some type of buzz going into the photography thing at these events. A lot of great parties are coming up.

Anyway, after reviewing the ultimate cocktail wine event, wow, that was some party. I don’t remember a lot of things because I do some rush. It’s not because of the drinking, it’s just that so much is there and gave out a lot of cards.

Yesterday – of course it’s about day I lost count but it could be day 28 of going to the city working everyday and taking pictures. Yesterday was Sunday, no locals, just tourists. It’s kind of an interesting day for me. They are ll walking around very slowly. Locals going to work walk very quick. I get the picture but when they walk slow, I get some great photographs. A lot of Dutch, Swedes and Ireland so it’s kind of a lot of white people.

But anyway, I’m ready for the zero alcohol thing and carbs I started yesterday.

Signing off.