5th day of zero alcohol zero carbs

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It’s 5:30 in the afternoon. I’m standing in the middle of the sidewalk and there’s about rows of 20 people that’s coming directly at me. That’s how it is at 5:30 and then at 10:30 in the morning, it’s the opposite way.

Anyway, last night the karaoke party – I didn’t get sucked in by alcohol or food. I never liked these karaoke parties but there come a good performer there. They’re like putting their heart and soul into it. Billy Idol songs, from Beatles song, really jumping off the stage and facial expression. It was fun.

While that was going on, I got a phone call from Tony Roma. He was invited to this private party, he got me in. It took a subway over to 16th Street. The Grand Mariner – it’s on 16th and 9th, big hotel party place. The place is so crowded, I’ll just shoot wide angle pictures of like 40 people, 40 people, 40 people. I got some people to pose. This place is so big and crowded I couldn’t even find Tony Roma.

Anyway, this is by – I’d have to go with 5th day of zero alcohol zero carbs. I’m past the weak stage, I’m not tired. But I’m losing weight and my neck is shrinking. I’m feeling better, looking better. The Halloween I think I’m going to have a couple of cocktails.

Anyway, today I’m taking lots of pictures on 7th Avenue, I’m really getting the eye for fashion. I can see copy coats, real coats, cool leather pants, big leather pants. I’m kind of becoming an authority on it due to my friend Mr. 7th Avenue. He pointed out a lot of things for me.

I’m going to go home tonight, hang out with the kids. I should be doing some kind of event tomorrow.

Signing off.