every 7 minutes a train unloads at Penn Station

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The day before Halloween. What a day, what a night.

One of the exciting things is I went back to one of my old locations, 31st and 6th – I haven’t been there for about two months. All the Africans who sell their purses miss me or they pretend that they did. I said hello to all of them. The Chinese massage parlor – I’ve seen some of those people. I took a bunch of pictures today, it was great being out there again.

It’s about 11:30 at night. I’ve got my windows open, it’s beautiful.

People running around with Halloween costumes during the day. I knew if I went to Penn Station that there would be thousands of people from Brooklyn, Queens and New Jersey on 40 different trains coming in to Penn Station, be flowing out of 7th Street exit. It was great. I just stood there by the escalator. It was like every seven minutes a new train would unload somewhere in Penn Station. People come flowing out all in costumes, probably banged up 300 images.

I got a little creative. There was a guy with a Matrix outfit on. He looked super cool so I explained to him who I am, what I’m doing and he posed for me. But I want him to pose in front of the entrance to Penn Station by the escalator so it’ll give me excuse for taking pictures. He was into it. So I got a couple of female impersonators that got a little uncomfortable.

While I’m doing that, there’s maybe five Russian taxi drivers kind of limo drivers, kind of gypsies. They all look mob-related. They were very angry because I’m taking pictures, they cut in front of me. But they’re comical. So I got some of those pictures – Matrix with people coming up the steps.

Now, while all this is going on there’s your typical alcoholic crack heads that hang out in front of Penn Station. It was a free for all for them. It was a night where they could just act super crazy. One girl crackhead was just jogging in circles around me yelling at me for taking pictures. It was funny. It was like so many things going on at once, I just free for all taking pictures.

Anyway, I’ve got a lot of stuff to talk about. So I’m going to call back in about 10 minutes leaving  a blog.